Disability Awareness Talks

Building Awareness

Inspiring Change

These short talks are a great way to start building a culture of wellbeing and inclusion in your organisation. They are a gentle introduction to complex topics and can work as a stand-alone or as a springboard. Sparking interest among your employees, managers, or leadership team to start exploring employee wellbeing, mental health and disability awareness through training sessions and consultancy. Particularly useful during Disability Awareness Month or other awareness days/weeks/months.

coffee cup sitting on wooden table

Employee Wellbeing : Lessons From an Isolated Life

This talk aims to inspire employees to proactively support their mental health and wellbeing during an uncertain, more isolated life and spark conversations about mental health at work.

Hidden Disabilities : "Wow, you don't look disabled!"

This talk aims to help people understand hidden disabilities and the impact of microaggressions. It explains how people’s experiences inform their actions, how they can best support colleagues, and how to build a more inclusive environment.

table with americano and crosisant, with someone writing in a journal

Privilege : You Don't Know What You Don't Know

This talk aims to act as a wake-up call for uncovering personal biases, reflecting on our privilege, re-thinking how we interact with each other and acknowledging the different realities we experience.

What Participants Have Said : ​

I have an invisible disability, but even I was able to learn things I hadn’t thought of before (the font change that Jen mentioned), so [it] was really worth joining. It’s very nice to feel seen for once in a long time.

Participant, Deloitte UK

Fantastically engaging presentation! It’s not often I don’t get distracted when listening to virtual presentations – but I was glued. Really great!

Participant, Deloitte UK